Frequently Asked Questions

Following are the few questions which an user may encounter while browsing through our website. Click on the questions for getting our reply.

Login & Registration

Go to 'Register' link on the bottom right of the navigation bar of the website or in the footer section of the website. A new page will open. You are required to fill the form on the page and submit the form by clicking Register button. Your account will be created.

Please read our 'Terms of Use' and 'Privacy Policy' before clicking the Register button.

You have to click the 'Sign in' link of the website and login through your registered e-mail address & password. We do not use phone no for login in the website.

We do not send OTP while Sign in or Registration. Your 'e-mail' is the primary identifier for login to your account.

You can Sign in using either of your phone no or email address. It is requested to update your Phone No. because our representative will contact you on your registered Phone No for supply of product requested by you.
Browsing Through the Website

Wishlist is the busket where we can put the products of your choice while scrolling through our product list.
You can view your Wishlist items by clicking on the icon on the navbar.

Click on the product of your choice from our Product page. A new page with details of the product will open.
Click on Add to Wishlist to add the product in your Wishlist.

Non registered user can visit all the pages, except the following:

  1. They cannot submit the Wishlist Products for getting quotations.
  2. They can not view their earlier requests, if any.
  3. Cannot track the request.

Non registered user can request for getting quotation through message system available under Get Quotation section of our home page of the website. Where they have to write the name of the products in the product(s) field of the form. Non registered user does not have the facility to track their request or view their earlier request if any.
Quotation & Order for Products

First you have to add products in your wishlist (you can add mutiple products) and after adding all the required products click on the Get Quotation button. A new page will appear. Fill up the form in the page and place your request for getting quotations by clicking on the Place Quotation Request button.

After that our representative will call you on your registered contact no and finalise the sale of the products.

Our Website does not display price of the products. After getting request our representative will contact you and inform you about the price at which we can supply you. If both the parties agree on the rate and other conditions (like payment terms, delivery address, availabilty etc.), sale will be finalised and products will be delivered to you at your desired location.

You have to be registered user for getting the facility of adding multiple products in wishlist and subsequently placing request for all the products. By creating an account you can track your request and also be able to view your earlier requests.

Non registered user can request for getting quotation through message system available under Get Quotation section of our home page of the website. Where they have to write the name of the products in the product(s) field of the form. Non registered user does not have the facility to track their request or view their earlier request if any.

Our website does not have the facility for online payment. After finalising the order our represenative will contact you and if both the parties agrees on the deal, payment mode will be informed, which will be outside this website.